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Part III of Gonzalez, The Story of Christianity

Part III of Gonzalez, The Story of Christianity

Q Assignment for the next 2 weeks: Read and write 2 journal paper entries - Due by April 7th. Read Part III of Gonzalez, The Story of Christianity- on my google books account - and password is Stephens@1942 Read CH 1-4 of Sweeney, The American Evangelical Story - on my google books account - and password is Stephens@1942 Write a 2 page report on the following questions for each chapter division, Part III Gonzalez and Chapter 1-4 Sweeney: WHAT DOES THIS MATTER journal Must be one paper on Gonzalez Part III and one paper on Chapter 1-4 Sweeney - Answer the following questions on the journal • What relevance do this week’s readings have for the Church of the 21st century? What is to be learned? Remembered? Forgotten? • What relevance do this week’s readings have for my field of service - hospital chaplain for me • What relevance do this week’s readings have for me as a person? Where is God in this? What invitations can or should be explored? The rubric is in the syllabus I sent. All paper must be Turabian 12 point Time New Roman.

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This week’s readings provide an understanding that there had been efforts made by the church authorities to universalize the church even after having different denominations like Protestantism, Catholicism, etc. In the church of the 21st century also, there are efforts to not discriminate between Protestants and Catholics. Therefore any Christian can visit any denomination of church irrespective of the denomination of Christian faith in which the Christian belongs. In fact, there had not been any prohibition of any individual (belonging to any specific race or nationality) to believe in or enter the church.